Green Infrastructure Renderings

St Monica Rendering.PNG
Before/After - Modeled addition of three rain gardens to parking lot in Waltham adjacent to Charles River.

Before/After - Modeled addition of three rain gardens to parking lot in Waltham adjacent to Charles River.

Before/After - Added a rain garden and curb cuts to end of parking lot island.

Before/After - Added a rain garden and curb cuts to end of parking lot island.

Landscape Architecture

Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.02.36 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.02.01 PM.png
Site Sections Edited.png
Site Plan.png


Tree Branches 3.jpg

Graphic Design

Website Logo for Vivero

Website Logo for Vivero

Icon for “Cheers” App

Icon for “Cheers” App

Holiday Card for New Energy Capital

Holiday Card for New Energy Capital

T-Shirt Design for 2017 Eclipse

T-Shirt Design for 2017 Eclipse